Ausserirdische in Greifensee

Es geht das Gerücht um, dass in Greifensee ein Raumschiff gelandet ist. Nimm Dein Velo und finde heraus was los ist.
Start guide

Create Bound Challenge
Group Bound players or teams in a Bound Challenge via a special start code. The creator of the Bound Challenge can see all the results on a leaderboard.
Bound Challenge created
Bound Challenge:
Group Bound players or teams in a Bound Challenge via a special start code. The creator of the Bound Challenge can see all the results on a leaderboard.
6 information
5 quizzes
4 missions
1 QR code
4 locations
Players | Date | Points | |
Oliver | Jul 11, 2021 | 90 | |
Anonymous | Jul 11, 2021 | 90 | |
Volker | Oct 3, 2021 | 90 | |
Lia, Mariama, René | Aug 17, 2021 | 70 |
Scan this Code with the Actionbound App to start the Bound.
6 information
5 quizzes
4 missions
1 QR code
4 locations
Lia, Mariama, René
Hat viel Spass gemacht, vielen Dank für die Organisation!