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Glasgow's Climate Trail

My Climate Path are celebrating a whole year since COP26 came to Glasgow! Take part in our Climate Trail across Glasgow's sustainable businesses and circular locations. The aim of our Climate Trail is to inform and raise awareness of the green skills agenda across all industry's and highlight the environmental credentials of Glasgow’s sustainable businesses! #MyClimatePath
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Start guide
approx. 30 minutes
Multiplayer Bound
2 stages
10 information
7 quizzes
3 missions
6 locations


AnonymousNov 10, 20221065
AnonymousNov 7, 2022400

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George Square / Queen Street Station, Queen Street 1, Glasgow, United Kingdom
55.861549, -4.251434
approx. 30 minutes
Multiplayer Bound
2 stages
10 information
7 quizzes
3 missions
6 locations
Overall rating
Places of interest