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tiagoknoch's Bounds
All public Bounds by tiagoknoch

by tiagoknoch
Welcome to the Digital Youth Work - State of Play - Moving forward... an event with a long name, but very exciting content! :) This activity should help warm you up to our event environment, its content and people around you. All that in a fun and interactive way (at leats we hope so!). In order to start, find two other people and make sure you are ready for to be activated! There is no final deadline to complete this bound, but you might like to get some decent sleep before our first session...
by tiagoknoch
Welcome to EduBonding Bound! This bound should help warm you up for Learning. And Education. And Education and Bonding :) And all that in a fun and interactive way. In order to start, find some decent Internet connection, make sure you are sitting somewhere comfortably with your team and you are ready to be challenged! Because, you know, both comfort and challenge are the mother of all learning! ;) This bound needs to be completed by the end of the afternoon coffee break (17:00), which means...
Unlocking European Solidarity Corps
by tiagoknoch
Welcome to “Unlocking European Solidarity Corps" bound! This bound should help you get an overview of the programme and create a basic common ground for the days to come. The bound consists of 10 tasks and it will take you up to 90 minutes to complete. Please have in mind that you should go through all the tasks to finish the bound. Enjoy your time and good luck with unlocking the mysteries of European Solidarity Corps!
Cherry on the Cake
by tiagoknoch
Welcome to “Cherry on the Cake” bound! This bound comes as a support to “Cherry on the Cake - Encouraging active citizenship through Youth exchange” training course, to provide you with a possibility to dive into youth exchanges and active citizenship and to help you start improving your competences in an accessible, interactive and friendly way. It will probably take you a few days to go through it, since it is designed in a way to stimulate your reflection and input on the topics, as well...
Youth Exchanges, Social Change, Active Citizenship, Europe, Youth Work
Education in Gaming
by tiagoknoch
Welcome to Education in Gaming Bound! This bound should help warm you up for Learning. And Education. And Education and Gaming :) And all that in a fun and interactive way. In order to start, find some decent Internet connection, make sure you are sitting somewhere comfortably with your team and you are ready to be challenged! Because, you know, both comfort and challenge are the mother of all learning! ;) This bound needs to be completed by the end of the afternoon coffee break (17:00), which...
Youthful Europe
by tiagoknoch
Welcome to Youthful Europe bound! This bound comes as part of the wider attempt to provide youth work practitioners with a possibility to explore different approaches towards Europe through identity, citizenship and participation and to develop competences to address European dimension in young people’s daily life. The bound is just a teaser that can help you approach these complex topics in an accessible, interactive and friendly way. It will probably take you a few days to go through it,...
Europe, Identity, Citizenship, Participation
Living European Values 2015
by tiagoknoch
Welcome to Living European Values 2015 bound! This bound was created to help you get to know Petrovaradin Fortress in a fun and interactive way. In order to start, please make sure you are sitting somewhere comfortably with your team and you are ready for the tasks we prepared for you. But don't get to comfortable, because the fortress is ready to be discovered by you in this crispy, December afternoon! ;) And since you will be spending some time outside, make sure to wait while your bound...
by tiagoknoch
Welcome to the AnimUlcinj bound. This bound should help you get to know the community of Ulcinj in a fun and interactive way. In order to start, find some decent Internet connection, make sure you are sitting somewhere comfortably with your team and you are ready to be challenged! Because, you know, both comfort and challenge are the mother of all learning! ;)
Competent Camping
by tiagoknoch
Welcome to the Competent Camping bound. This bound should make your preparations for camping as competent and smooth as possible! In order to start, please make sure you are sitting somewhere comfortably with your team and you are ready to be challenged! Because, you know, both comfort and challenge are the mother of all learning! ;)