Der 'Franzosenfriedhof' des Kriegsgefangenenlagers Minderheide
Between 6.6 and 8 million soldiers were taken prisoner during the First World War. The treatment of POWs (prisoners of war) was regulated by the "Hague Land Warfare Regulations" of 1907: prisoners were to be treated with humanity and were to be treated as equals to their own troops in terms of food and shelter - on this cementary your find the graves of those soldiers who died in one of this camps - the 'Gefangenenlager Minderheide'. What do we know about their storys?
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Bound Challenge:
Group Bound players or teams in a Bound Challenge via a special start code. The creator of the Bound Challenge can see all the results on a leaderboard.
4 stages
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9 quizzes
8 missions
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4 stages
4 information
9 quizzes
8 missions
1 Survey