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A City of Warehouses - Single Player

Hamburg Marketing
Welcome to "A City of Warehouses". This is an entertaining Bound with a mix of history, architecture and the attractions of the Speicherstadt. The tour starts at the Wandrahmsteg. The goal is to complete as many tasks as possible. With each completed task you will gain new knowledge about the special features of the Speicherstadt and points. Have fun! //This Bound was created by students of the art course in a cooperation between the Hamburg Cultural Authority and the UNESCO project school Gymnasium Osterbek.
Create Bound Challenge
Start guide
5 information
22 quizzes
3 missions
11 locations


AnonymousJun 5, 20223178
AnonymousMay 4, 20222990
AnonymousSep 27, 20212969
AnonymousAug 28, 20242904
AnonymousMar 2, 20242858

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approx. 90 minutes
Singleplayer Bound
Deutsch, English, Français, Español
5 information
22 quizzes
3 missions
11 locations
Overall rating
Places of interest
We really enjoyed the tours!!
Wir waren sehr begeistert. Tolle Plätze, tolle Fragen. Sehr gut für Leute mit Hund geeignet.
Katrin & Enrico
Es hat viel Spaß gemacht.