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Cherry on the Cake

Welcome to “Cherry on the Cake” bound! This bound comes as a support to “Cherry on the Cake - Encouraging active citizenship through Youth exchange” training course, to provide you with a possibility to dive into youth exchanges and active citizenship and to help you start improving your competences in an accessible, interactive and friendly way. It will probably take you a few days to go through it, since it is designed in a way to stimulate your reflection and input on the topics, as well as to raise further questions and ideas for discussion. Do take your time and make the most out of it. If, at any point, you realise that you would like to know more, please capture your thoughts, questions and ideas somewhere and keep them safe until we meet in Bled! Because, don’t forget, this is just the beginning of the Cheery Cherry journey! :) Enjoy your Cherry on the Cake Actionbound experience!
Create Bound Challenge
Start guide
5 stages
15 information
6 quizzes
7 missions
1 QR code
2 Surveys


AnonymousMay 31, 2017600
AnonymousJun 14, 2017600
AnonymousJun 10, 2017600
AnonymousJun 17, 2017400
AnonymousJun 9, 2017400

Scan this Code with the Actionbound App to start the Bound.

5 stages
15 information
6 quizzes
7 missions
1 QR code
2 Surveys
Overall rating
Places of interest
I really enjoyed it! Videos, statistic, quizes, photos, brainstorming, comic - some things were a bit difficult to make, but always very interesting! Huge thanks for it:)
Learned from it.Needed to know before started the time needed to omplete it.Did not know how to save my answers ,thenale the videos and then continue afterwards.That is why did not make the comics...
I didnt have time to do it properly, sorry
Very interesting and educational.