LERNQUIZ «Flämische Malerei des 15. Jahrhunderts»

Lernquiz von Jeannine Bromundt zu Sammlung altniederländischer Gemälde im Louvre.
Start guide

Create Bound Challenge
Group Bound players or teams in a Bound Challenge via a special start code. The creator of the Bound Challenge can see all the results on a leaderboard.
Bound Challenge created
Bound Challenge:
Group Bound players or teams in a Bound Challenge via a special start code. The creator of the Bound Challenge can see all the results on a leaderboard.
Singleplayer Bound
13 information
16 quizzes
3 missions
Players | Date | Points | |
Anonymous | Dec 21, 2017 | 1400 | |
Anonymous | Nov 22, 2017 | 1200 | |
Aldridge Seline | Jan 8, 2018 | 1200 | |
Anonymous | Dec 18, 2017 | 1000 | |
Anonymous | Dec 18, 2017 | 1000 |
Scan this Code with the Actionbound App to start the Bound.
Singleplayer Bound
13 information
16 quizzes
3 missions