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Sozialarbeiter:innen entdecken Jena

Die Erstis 2021 des Studiengangs Soziale Arbeit machen eine Stadtrallye
Start guide
approx. 70 minutes
approx. 3.6 km
Multiplayer Bound
9 information
7 quizzes
2 missions
1 QR code
16 locations

Scan this Code with the Actionbound App to start the Bound.

Bahnhof Jena Paradies Gleis 2, Jena, Germany
50.924706, 11.587636
approx. 70 minutes
approx. 3.6 km
Multiplayer Bound
9 information
7 quizzes
2 missions
1 QR code
16 locations
Overall rating
Places of interest