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Jewish life in Halle

This action-bound city tour takes you across Halle to historical and significant places. On the way, you will learn something about the history of Jewish residents and places of Jewish life from the Middle Ages to the present day. We recommend doing the tour in the given order. If you have less time, you can of course only complete one or two sections. If you have ideas for another station, let us know! Have fun discovering!
Create Bound Challenge
Start guide
approx. 180 minutes
approx. 3.5 km
Singleplayer Bound
4 stages
34 information
9 quizzes
8 missions
8 locations


AnonymousFeb 9, 20221300
AnonymousFeb 10, 20221300
AnonymousFeb 10, 20221300
AnonymousOct 25, 20221300
AnonymousApr 20, 20231300

Scan this Code with the Actionbound App to start the Bound.

approx. 180 minutes
approx. 3.5 km
Singleplayer Bound
Deutsch, English
4 stages
34 information
9 quizzes
8 missions
8 locations
Overall rating
Places of interest
Wirklich eine tolle Idee, sehr facettenreich und lehrreich. Gratulation
Laura-Sophie Christoph
Laura-Sophie Christoph
Das war toll. Vielen Dank!!!
War klasse, hat mir mega viel Spaß gemacht
Die Tour war grandios und wird von mir weiterempfohlen!