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History of Targu Mures Center from XVIII century

Welcome to the interactive tour of Tîrgu Mureș by the Forcamp Association, where you can discover and get to know the famous buildings of our city's Main Square! Your smartphone will be your tour guide. You can explore the Medieval Fortress in a similar style, in our similar bound.
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approx. 60 minutes
Singleplayer Bound
41 information
20 quizzes
2 missions
13 locations


ItsUsApr 1, 20242730
AnonymousFeb 17, 20242400

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Biserica Sfântul Ioan Botezătorul, Târgu Mureş, Romania
46.546041, 24.563835
approx. 60 minutes
Singleplayer Bound
41 information
20 quizzes
2 missions
13 locations
Overall rating
Places of interest