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Bounds tagged with "Bonn University and State Library"

GSU Atlanta Campus library tour
by czamon1
An interactive tour of the GSU Atlanta Campus Library.
gsu, georgia state university, library
Volker Lannert / Universität Bonn
Tour through the Main Library
by Schulung ULB Bonn
Welcome to this Bound, which will introduce you to the Main Library at the USL Bonn. It features some exciting puzzles, not-too-taxing tasks and, of course, the most important information about borrowing, our workspaces and the services we offer. Note that you will need a valid library card to play the Bound and a €1 or €2 coin for the lockers.
library, Bonn University, USL Bonn, Bonn University and State Library, scavenger hunt
Volker Lannert/ Uni Bonn
Uni Bonn to go - Palace to palace
by Junge Uni Bonn
Welcome to the University of Bonn! Take part in the virtual university tour and explore the university from palace to palace.
Uni Bonn, Universität Bonn, Bonn, Uni, Tour
Rallye durch die ULB Bonn (Hauptbibliothek)
by Schulung ULB Bonn
Herzlich willkommen zu diesem Bound, in dem Du die Hauptbibliothek der ULB Bonn kennenlernst! Es erwarten Dich spannende Rätsel, nicht allzu knifflige Aufgaben und natürlich die wichtigsten Infos zur Ausleihe, unseren Arbeitsplätzen und Serviceangeboten. Achtung: Um den Bound zu spielen, benötigst Du einen gültigen Bibliotheksausweis!
Bibliothek, Universität Bonn, ULB Bonn, Bibliotheksrallye, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Bonn
Volker Lannert/Uni Bonn
Studieren - aber was? Entdecke das Universum der Fakultäten
by Zentrale Studienberatung Uni Bonn
Du bist Schüler*in der Oberstufe und fragst dich, ob und was du studieren möchtest? In dieser virtuellen Bound führen wir dich durch das Universum der Fakultäten. Eine Fakultät fasst die einzelnen Fächer in Organisationseinheiten zusammen. In dem interaktiven "Planetarium" dieser Bound geben wir dir einen Überblick über das Studienangebot an der Universität Bonn. Was sind Fakultäten und welche Studienfächer verbergen sich dahinter? Und was hat das mit Planeten zu tun? Wir von der Zentralen...
Bonner Hochschultage, Universität Bonn, Uni Bonn, Campustour, ZSB Bonn
Central Library Scavenger Hunt
library, nagoya university, nagoya
Volker Lannert/Uni Bonn
Uni Bonn to go - A day at University
by Junge Uni Bonn
You are in Bonn? Take your smartphone and discover the University campus City and Poppelsdorf.
Tour, Rallye, Uni, Bonn
Meike Boeschemeyer/Uni Bonn
Uni Bonn to go - Discover Campus Poppelsdorf
by Junge Uni Bonn
Welcome to the University of Bonn! Come along and explore your potential place of study with this virtual university tour of the agricultural, mathematics and natural sciences campus in Poppelsdorf. The tour starts at Poppelsdorfer Allee 49.
Tour, Uni, Bonn, Campus
Library Tour
by ZHB Flensburg
Get to know the most important stations in the Flensburg Central University Library (ZHB) on your own!
Flensburg, Library, ZHB, Campus Library, Library tour
Christmas Party
by Hunter1722
russell and abbott christmas party, russell and abbott, onyx
by mmmorris
Troy High School Foods Class Field Trip Scavenger Hunt
foods and culture, foods 2
AC Schmitz/Uni Bonn
Uni Bonn to go - Ein Tag als Studi
by Junge Uni Bonn
Du wolltest schon immer wissen, wie das Leben als Studi aussieht? Dann bist Du hier richtig. You always wanted to know what it's like to be a University student? Well, you've come to the right place.
Tour, Rallye, Uni, Bonn
by mmmorris
Troy High School Foods Class Field Trip Scavenger Hunt
foods and culture, foods 2
CC BY 4.0
Fit for Literature Search
by Universitätsbibliotheken TU Berlin
This rally is split into three sections: “Specific Literature Search”, “Researching a Topic” and “Databases and Interlibrary loans”. You can work through it from anywhere. In the first section we show you how to find a specific book or journal article, and how to recognize and access our e-resources. For the topic research we show you tips & tricks on how to find as much relevant literature as possible for a topic e.g. for a paper. In the third section we show you how to find and use databases...
Technische Universität Berlin, Volkswagen Bibliothek, Technical University of Berlin, TU Berlin, University library
by mmmorris
Troy High School Foods Class Field Trip Scavenger Hunt
foods and culture, foods 2
Volker Lannert/Uni Bonn
Uni Bonn to go - Campus City West
by Junge Uni Bonn
Welcome to the University of Bonn! Come along and be inspired by the western center of the university.
Tour, Rallye, Uni, Bonn, Campus
The GG's
by katrwallner
You are a student, prospective student, staff member or simply sustainability interested? Then this Bound is perfect for you! The project is all about minimizing your economic footprint at the university of Klagenfurt. It spreads awareness and gives you ideas what you can do to get more sustainable. Quizzes, rewards and fun-facts paired with knowledge about SDG's 11, 12 and 17 make you an expert. It starts with us!
Sustainability, SDG's, University of Klagenfurt
by mmmorris
Troy High School Foods Class Field Trip Scavenger Hunt
foods and culture, foods 2
Bibliothek Unitobler
by Bibliothek Unitobler
Einführung in die Benutzung der Basisbibliothek Unitobler (BTO), Universitätsbibliothek Bern, und verschiedene Bibliotheksdienstleistungen; in Quizform/als Schnitzeljagd angelegt.
Bibliothek, Library, Unitobler, Bern, Universitätsbibliothek Bern
Fachhochschule Ost Campus Rapperswil-Jona Bibliothek
library tour OST Campus Rapperswil for international students
by Bibliothek OST
library tour OST Campus Rapperswil for international students
library, introduction, tour, OST, Campus Rapperswil
Volker Lannert/Uni Bonn
Lost and Found - Entdecke die Uni Bonn von Campus zu Campus
by Zentrale Studienberatung Uni Bonn
Die Uni Bonn vom Sofa aus entdecken? Natürlich können wir die reale Welt und euren persönlichen Eindruck nicht ersetzen, aber mit unserer Bound von Campus zu Campus könnt ihr interaktiv die Uni Bonn kennenlernen und einige interessante Fakten über das Studium erfahren. Spoiler: Komplett alleine musst du dich nicht auf unsere virtuelle Tour begeben. Wir sind gespannt wen du dir als Begleitung aussuchst. Mehr über unsere Angebote zur Studienorientierung erfährst du auf unserer Website:
Uni Bonn, Campustour, Universität Bonn, Bonner Hochschultage
Volker Lannert/Uni Bonn
Uni Bonn to go - Campus City East
by Junge Uni Bonn
Welcome to the University of Bonn! Come along and be inspired by the eastern center of the university.
Tour, Rallye, Uni, Bonn, Campus
Demokratie auf der Spur - Geocaching zum "Weg der Demokratie"
by Jup
In diesem Bound lädt die Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung zu einer Tour durch das Bonner Regierungsviertel ein. Entlang einiger Stationen auf dem "Weg der Demokratie" lernt ihr die alte Bundesrepublik, ihre Institutionen und einige ihrer Vertreter:innen kennen - doch für's Weiterkommen und v.a. für's Punkte sammeln braucht es Kreativität und ein bisschen Wissen... Viel Spaß!
Weg der Demokratie, Bonn, FES, Regierungsviertel
Daniel Kunzfeld Photography
Uni Hildesheim in a nutshell (Engl.)
by Uni Hildesheim
"Uni Hildesheim in a nutshell" is brought to you by the Central Student Advisory Service of the University of Hildesheim and is aimed at all those who would like to discover our main campus in no time at all - whether live on site or from home. A short quiz guides you (virtually) through the main campus, reveals exciting information and contains historical (fun) facts.
Uni Hildesheim, Campus, Hildesheim, University
Volker Lannert/Uni Bonn
Uni Bonn to go: Deutsche Schule Mexiko @ Uni Bonn, 28.06.24
by Junge Uni Bonn
Welcome to the University of Bonn! Come along and be inspired by the university's Campus City East. Use the technology of your smartphones (search function, maps, etc.) to find out information! For some questions there are also tips to help you if necessary. Have fun!
Tour, Rallye, Uni, Bonn, Campus
Kadic / Uni Bonn
Rallye durch die ULB Bonn (Abteilungsbibliothek MNL)
by Schulung ULB Bonn
Herzlich willkommen zu diesem Bound, in dem Du die Abteilungsbibliothek MNL der ULB Bonn kennenlernst! Es erwarten Dich spannende Rätsel, nicht allzu knifflige Aufgaben und natürlich die wichtigsten Infos zur Ausleihe, unseren Arbeitsplätzen und Serviceangeboten. ! Achtung: Um den Bound zu spielen, benötigst Du einen gültigen Bibliotheksausweis !
Bibliothek, Universität Bonn, ULB Bonn, Bibliotheksrallye
CC BY 4.0
First Steps in the Central Library
by Universitätsbibliotheken TU Berlin
This rally is about the Central Library of TU Berlin (Fasanenstr. 88) in general, how to research in our Knowledge Portal Primo and how to use your library account.
Technical University Berlin, university library, Technische Universität Berlin, Univsersitätsbibliothek, TU Berlin
by Carolin Richardt
ACHTUNG! Der Campus der Hochschule Geisenheim befindet sich derzeit im Umbau. Die Inhalte der Tour werden aktualisiert, sobald die Baumaßnahmen abgeschlossen sind!!! Lernen Sie auf einer kurzen interaktiven Tour unseren schönen Campus kennen und erfahren Sie mehr über die spannende Geschichte der Hochschule Geisenheim University (HGU). Ein Angebot der Abteilung Hochschuldidaktik und eLearning
Hochschule Geisenheim University, eLearning, G-führt!, Campus, Besucher
Bernd Wannenmacher
Campus Scavenger Hunt: Discover Sustainability at Freie Universität Berlin
by FU Berlin
This Actionbound tour takes you across the campus Dahlem to highlight some of the various sustainability initiatives at Freie Universität Berlin
sustainability, university, tour, campus, dahlem
Planet Blue Central Campus Sustainability Walking Tour
by ecokelly
The Planet Blue Ambassador program proudly presents the University of Michigan Central Campus Sustainability Walking Tour! Complete the tour to learn about sustainability features on campus, get your steps in, and engage with the campus on a whole new level.
Sustainability, Environment, University of Michigan, Campus Tour, Planet Blue
by pmikulionis
Learn about Marijampolė city!
Explore Zurich
A tour between the city and Irchel campus along interesting water sites. Total distance: 5.2 km; pure walking time (when not taking the cable car): 1:16; pure walking time (when taking the cable car): 1:00; up: 199 m; down: 59 m
University of Zurich, Wageningen, fireplace, water, hydrology
Weg der Demokratie
by SteinHVK
In diesem Actionbound erkundet ihr einige Orte des Weges der Demokratie in Bonn
Bonn, Weg der Demokratie
Volker Lannert/ Uni Bonn
Uni Bonn to go - Palace to palace
by Junge Uni Bonn
Welcome to the University of Bonn! Take part in the virtual university tour and explore the university from palace to palace.
Uni Bonn, Universität Bonn, Bonn, Uni, Tour
Tour de Veits
by Bücherei im Bahnhof
Herzlich willkommen zu einer digitalen Erkundung durch Veitshöchheim. Entdecken Sie Sehenswertes, erfahren Sie Wissenswertes und lernen Sie Ihre Heimat auf neue Weise kennen.
Veitshöchheim, Tour de Veits, Gymnasium Veitshöchheim, Projekt-Seminar, Faces and Places
Tour für Erstsemester
by Carolin Richardt
ACHTUNG! Der Campus der Hochschule Geisenheim befindet sich derzeit im Umbau. Die Inhalte der Tour werden aktualisiert, sobald die Baumaßnahmen abgeschlossen sind!!! Kleiner interaktiver Rundgang für Erstsemester über den Campus der Hochschule Geisenheim University (HGU) Ein Angebot der Abteilung Hochschuldidaktik und eLearning
Hochschule Geisenheim University, eLearning, HGU Ersti-Tour, Erstsemester, Geisenheim
HertSquad- Roadmap to Sports at the University of Hertfordshire
by AJGooden
HertSquad are giving you the chance to win some amazing Prizes, by getting to know how you can get involved in Sport at the University of Hertfordshire
Sport, Activity, Fun, Hertfordshire, University
Baum und Mensch (Familien)
by Museum im Kulturspeicher
Ein Bound für Familien! Start ist an der Pyramide der alten Landesgartenschau. Das Museum im Kulturspeicher hat 2021 die Ausstellung Tree and Soil gezeigt. Der Actionbound entstand zusammen mit der Umweltstation der Stadt Würzburg. Auf dem alten Landesgartenschaugelände erkunden wir Bäume und erfahren, was sie mit der Ausstellung zu tun hatten und warum sie für unser Leben wichtig sind.
Museum im Kulturspeicher, Tree and Soil, Umweltstation Würzburg, Bäume, Pflanzen
Volker Lannert / Universität Bonn
Tour through the MNL Branch Library
by Schulung ULB Bonn
Welcome to this Bound, which will introduce you to the MNL Branch Library at the USL Bonn. It features some exciting puzzles, not-too-taxing tasks and, of course, the most important information about borrowing, our workspaces and the services we offer. !Note that you will need a valid library card to play the Bound!
Bibliothek, Universität Bonn, ULB Bonn, Bibliotheksrallye
Volker Lannert/Uni Bonn
Uni Bonn to go LIVE - Campus Poppelsdorf entdecken
by Junge Uni Bonn
Willkommen an der Uni Bonn! Komm mit, und erkunde mit dieser virtuellen Uni-Tour über den landwirtschaftlich-, mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Campus Poppelsdorf Deinen möglichen Studienort.
Tour, Uni, Bonn, Campus
Rivertastic Scavenger Hunt
by Rivertastic Scavenger Hunt
Appreciate the beauty of hidden, and not so hidden, fall favorite locations on the majestic Mississippi River, while raising money for a good cause and catching up with friends in our rivertastic scavenger hunt.
River, Minnesota, Mississippi River, Minneapolis, Bars and Beauty
by southstone
Rappen, hide and seek, 2022
Exploring libraries with Actionbound
by ActionboundOfficial
Experience a few practical applications for the use of Actionbound in the library from the perspective of the players.
Library, Example, Research, Get to know
Volker Lannert/Uni Bonn
Uni Bonn to go - Campus City East
by Junge Uni Bonn
Welcome to the University of Bonn! Come along and let yourself be inspired by the eastern center of the university. Use the technology of your smartphones (search function, maps, etc.) to find out information! For some questions, tips are also provided to help.
Tour, Rallye, Uni, Bonn, Campus
Library Quiz Tour
by UB Rechtswissenschaften
WELCOME to the University Library of Zurich and more specifically the UB Law. With this rally you will get to know our services and the location in a playful way. You work individually or in a group, as you wish. Load the actionbound and follow the quiz. Remember to always scroll to the bottom. Please upload the bound afterwards for our statistics. Let's go!
Introduction, English, Rämistrasse 74, UB Law Library, Zurich
Книга в городе – «Большая Птица и Маленькая Птичка» Гламми Райдэй
by Tavlay Library
Прогуливаясь по улице Ленина в Барановичах, вы встретите «Большую и Маленькую Птичку». Книга немецкой писательницы Гламми Райдэй – первая, которую библиотека представляет в проекте «Книга в городе». Следуйте от страницы к странице и узнайте историю «Большой Птицы и Маленькой Птички». Прочитали? Теперь поиграем!
library, book, kids
Tyrone Library Home Sick Scavenger Hunt
by TSPL65
Here is a scavenger hunt style bound with tasks to do while you are stuck at home feeling sick.
Education, library, scavenger hunt, Wellness, Tyrone Library
Volker Lannert/Uni Bonn
Uni Bonn to go LIVE - Campus City West
by Junge Uni Bonn
Welcome to the University of Bonn! Come along and be inspired by the western center of the university. Use your smartphone (search engine, maps, etc) to look up info! Some questions even give additional tips that help if needed.
Tour, Rallye, Uni, Bonn, Campus
Campus Tour (english)
by Carolin Richardt
ATTENTION! The campus of Geisenheim University is currently under reconstruction. The contents of the tour will be updated as soon as the construction measures are completed!!! Take a short interactive tour to get to know our beautiful campus and learn more about the exciting history of Geisenheim University (HGU). Offered by the department of university didactics and eLearning.
Hochschule Geisenheim University, eLearning, G-führt!, Campus, Besucher
Bound Schulungen Fachbereich Geschichte
by Bibliothek Unitobler
Einführung in die Benutzung der Basisbibliothek Unitobler (BTO), Universitätsbibliothek Bern, und verschiedene Bibliotheksdienstleistungen; in Quizform/als Schnitzeljagd angelegt.
Bibliothek, Library, Unitobler, Bern, Universitätsbibliothek Bern
Discover libraries on the TU Campus
by Universitätsbibliotheken TU Berlin
What libraries does the Technische Universität Berlin actually have and where can I find them? What are the differences and special characteristics? Explore the different department and special libraries on the Charlottenburg Campus with our rally. The duration of the rally depends on the number of libraries you choose to visit. We recommend downloading the rally before you start.
Technische Universität Berlin, Campustour, Campus Charlottenburg, Study spaces, Technical University Berlin
Tour for First Semester Students
by Carolin Richardt
ATTENTION! The campus of Hochschule Geisenheim University is currently under reconstruction. The contents of the tour will be updated as soon as the construction measures are completed!!! Short interactive tour for first semester students around the campus of Geisenheim University (HGU). Offered by the department of university didactics and eLearning.
Hochschule Geisenheim University, eLearning, HGU Ersti-Tour, Erstsemester, Geisenheim
The Hunger Games Scavenger Hunt (Iesha and Jacob)
by Iesha
This Actionbound Game will test players on their skills both in the real world and in the immersive Actionbound game. Use skills you learn along the way to decide your fate! Enjoy playing, and remember; "may the odds be forever in your favour ✌️ ".
Interactive Game, Actionbound, Leeds Trinity University, The Hunger Games, Immersive Gaming
Studying in Geisenheim
by Carolin Richardt
If you'd like to get to know your surroundings and get some tips for your everyday student life while you're studying in Geisenheim, then this is the right tour for you! Offered by the department of university didactics and eLearning. Translated by Stefanie Blum, Daniela Archontas-Fadl, Harald Schmidt, Melanie Husmann and Martina Träger.
Hochschule Geisenheim University, eLearning, Studieren in Geisenheim, Studierende, AStA
Bremerhaven branch library
by Infoteam
Welcome to the State and University Library Bremen (aka SuUB)! On this tour you will get to know our branch library in Bremerhaven (TB BHV) on your own. The rally is about getting as many questions as possible right, scoring the most points and, of course, learning about the library. Have fun :)
#suub, #bibliothek, tbbhv, branch library Bremerhaven, University of Applied Sciences Bremerhaven
by mmmorris
Troy High School Foods Class Field Trip Scavenger Hunt
foods and culture, foods 2
Richmond Parks Scavenger Hunt
by richmond_indiana_parks
This is a scavenger hunt is a great way to explore some of the great parks that are located in Richmond. Learn more about the history and abundance of activities in the city. This Hunt consists of 10 stops, starting at Middlefork Reservoir and ending at Glen Miller Park, and should take about 1.5 to 2 hours to complete.
Richmond Indiana, Parks, Parks and Recreation, Glen Miller
Studieren in Geisenheim
by Carolin Richardt
Du studierst in Geisenheim und möchtest Deine Umgebung kennenlernen und wichtige Tipps für Deinen Studentenalltag bekommen? Dann bist Du bei dieser Tour genau richtig! Ein Angebot der Abteilung Hochschuldidaktik und eLearning
Hochschule Geisenheim University, eLearning, Studieren in Geisenheim, Studierende, AStA
FIW Campustour
by FHWS Hochschulservice Internationales
Du möchtest die FHWS und die Fakultät für Informatik und Wirtschaftsinformatik besser kennen lernen? Mit dieser virtuellen Tour über unseren Campus am SHL kannst du dies ganz einfach und bequem von Zuhause aus tun. Viel Spaß! // You would like to get to know the FHWS and the Faculty of Computer Science and Business Information Systems better? With this virtual tour of our campus at SHL, you can do so easily and comfortably from home. Have fun!
Würzburg, FHWS, Campustour, University of Applied Sciences, Informatik
by sudha
ok u 16 year old patti as our birthday ritual we have tried our best to make this birthday special for you hope u like what we have planned !
5 blobs and a doughnut