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Bounds tagged with "E-Bike"

Alex Habermehl
eMobil - Stadt, Wald, Fluss
by Stadtwerke Offenbach
Diese eMobil-Tour führt Sie an besondere Orte in und rund um Offenbach. Am Main entlang genießen Sie auf befestigten und unbefestigten Fahrradwegen die Umgebung und entdecken Orte, die Ihnen bislang vielleicht verborgen blieben.
Fahrradtour, eMobil, E-Bike, Tour, Main
by BRM Slovakia
Hlavným pilierom Super-Randonnée je sloboda a zrelosť Randonneur-a na takýto výkon. Super-Randonnées sú túry organizované, kontrolované a homologované organizáciou Audax Club Parisien (ACP).
bike, 600km, 10000m, randonneur, superrandonee
Descobrir Lamas d'Ôlo
by Sergio Cabral
Lamas d'Olo
Lamas d'Ôlo, Colégio de São Gonçalo, EMRC, Cidadania e Desenvolvimento, Biotecnologia Aplicada
Descobrir Lamas d'Ôlo | 4
by Sergio Cabral
Lamas d'Olo
Lamas d'Ôlo, Colégio de São Gonçalo, EMRC, Cidadania e Desenvolvimento, Biotecnologia Aplicada
by PedroConceicao
Actividade de descoberta do Pátio da Escola: 7º Ano (Ensino Básico da Geografia) Conteúdos relacionados com os temas:"A Terra Estudos e Representações" e "Meio Natural"
by gsaitakis
pms, e learning
Descobrir Lamas d'Ôlo | 3
by Sergio Cabral
Lamas d'Olo
Lamas d'Ôlo, Colégio de São Gonçalo, EMRC, Cidadania e Desenvolvimento, Biotecnologia Aplicada
Descobrir Lamas d'Ôlo | 2
by Sergio Cabral
Lamas d'Olo
Lamas d'Ôlo, Colégio de São Gonçalo, EMRC, Cidadania e Desenvolvimento, Biotecnologia Aplicada
by Future_Knight
E, Altstätten, Wiesental
I challenge you to
Welcome to our game developed by the Physical Education Department of IES Lucía de Medrano "I challenge you to...". It is an activity to do as a family to keep us physically and mentally active during the time we are at home because of the coronavirus. When this period is over, we can practice it with friends in other areas. Some of the challenges are in English and others in Spanish, which will allow us to practice the languages we learn at our school.
Educación Física, Inventores e inventos, Animales Prehistóricos, Te reto a
TE RETO A... ¿Te atreves?.
Bienvenido a nuestro juego elaborado desde el Departamento de Educación Física del IES Lucía de Medrano "Te reto a...". Se trata de una actividad para hacer en familia destinada a mantenernos activos física y mentalmente durante el tiempo que estemos en casa con motivo del coronavirus. Cuando acabe este período lo podremos prácticar con los amigos en otros ámbitos.
Educación Física, Inventores e inventos, Animales Prehistóricos, Te reto a
by Eneb
Eine Fotorallye durch den schönsten Stadtteil Rostocks, wie wir finden. Ob alleine, oder gemeinsam mit anderen, stell dich den 10 Aufgaben mit größtmöglicher Kreativität und Freude. Los geht's!
Rostock, Haltepunkt E, Evershagen, Fotorallye, HaltepunktE
Verso il pranzo di Santa Caterina!!
by Lucaibex
Una mamma, nonna e nonna-bis e una numerosa famiglia che ne conserva una bella memoria. Ma ci ricordiamo proprio tutto di chi era Caterina Trinchero in Omegna?
Omegna, Caterina, Passerano Marmorito, Penseglio, Terra e Gente
Lenzerheide 2017
by AdrianoB
Scuola Arti e Mestieri Centro Professionale Trevano Caccia al tesoro per corso sci a Lenzerheide Parpan-2017
Lenzerheide, corso sci, Scuola Arti e Mestieri Trevano, SAMT, CPT
This game has been created for the "D-e-zign it" Training Course by the International Young Naturefriends (IYNF) to practically learn about the e/volunteering .
e-activism, IYNF, Naturefriends, International
Money, money, money... Where does it come from? Group A
This app has been created for the Training Course "Act, React and E-Act" by the International Young Naturefriends (IYNF) to learn about the funders of the activity: Erasmus+ and the European Youth Foundation.
E-Activism, IYNF, Naturefriends, International, ErasmusPlus
Money, money, money... Where does it come from? Group B
This app has been created for the Training Course "Act, React and E-Act" by the International Young Naturefriends (IYNF) to learn about the funders of the activity: Erasmus+ and the European Youth Foundation.
E-Activism, IYNF, Naturefriends, International, ErasmusPlus
Recherchearbeiten in der HdM-Bib
by Michaela Katharina Krenn und Franziska Mayer
Herzlich Willkommen zu Deiner persönlichen Action-Recherche in der HdM-Bibliothek. Wir haben uns für Euch Erstsemestler (Aber natürlich auch genauso herzlich für alle diejenigen aus den höheren Semestern, die die Bibliothek zum ersten Mal benutzen möchten!) ein paar schöne Aufgaben überlegt, die euch spielerisch die Möglichkeiten der Bibliothek näher bringen sollen. Wir wünschen Euch viel Spaß! :-)
Recherche, Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten, Stuttgart, HdM Bibliothek, E-Learning