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Bounds tagged with "Halloween"

Halloween quiz
by VGS
This Bound was created by students of the Von-Galen-Schule Eichenzell. Have fun with the Bound.
Halloween in Bönnigheim
by E-R-P
En kleiner Bound durch Bönnigheim mit allgemeinen Fragen zu Halloween. Habt Spaß!
Bönnigheim, Halloween
Halloween Game 2023
by Iesha
This is a Halloween inspired game designed for students at Leeds Trinity University
Halloween Game
Mörder im Haus - Escape Game
by Rätseldetektive
Spannendes Escape Game für Kindergeburtstage, Übernachtungs- oder Halloweenpartys: Ein verrückter Professor hält euch gefangen. Ihr müsst Schlösser knacken und wichtige Gegenstände in eurem Zimmer finden, um fliehen zu können. Schafft ihr es zu entkommen oder werdet ihr sein nächstes Opfer? Auf unserer Webseite kannst du den Startcode erwerben und ein PDF mit Zusatzmaterial inkl. ausführlicher Spielerklärung, zusätzliche QR-Codes zum Verstecken (diese müssen die Spieler nach Aufforderung der...
Kindergeburtstag, Escape Game, Teenager Party, Halloween Party
Halloween in Mechelen
by Joylene
You have failed the witches initiation, deemed unworthy by the dark forces. Prove yourself to our lord by completing this quest. Solve the riddles, gather items (QR-codes) and complete the photo and video assignments and enjoy a spooky Halloween!
Halloween, Riddles
2023 Edgewood Halloween Scavenger Hunt
by ssalyer
🎃 Happy Halloween neighbors!!! As part of the 2023 Edgewood Halloween festivities we are hosting a scavenger hunt for those of us who might be considered too old to trick or treat 😱👻 Come by foot, bike, or broom to complete this spooky hunt. The hunt starts at Aureole (1272 Dahlgren Ln) at 5pm and you have until 9pm on Halloween night to complete 7 required tasks to be eligible for the grand prize. Huge thank you to Aureole, the Chop Shop, beehive, El Tesoro, Bona Fide, and all our awesome...
Halloween, Edgewood, atlanta
Halloween az iskolában
by MuzNik
Ez egy halloween - témakörrel dolgozó iskolai játék, amihez az aulában és környékén kell nyomokat keresni.
Horchheimer Horror
by BliBlaBlu
Hallo! Ich bin Selma Skelett. Obwohl.... momentan wohl eher nur Selmas schauriger Schädel. Die gemeine Zauberin Tunichtgute hat hat mich auseinandergenommen und meine Knochen überall in Horchheim verteilt. Könnt ihr mir helfen? Wenn ihr es schafft, alle Rätsel zu lösen und mich wieder vollständig zusammenzusetzen, führe ich euch als Belohnung zum geheimen Schatz der bösen Zauberin. Seid ihr bereit?
Horror, Skelett, Halloween, Kindergeburtstag
Trick or Treat on Halloween
by andreboots
Ab in die Gruft
by BDKJ Rgbg-Stadt
Entdecke neue, oder alte, gruselige Orte, stille Plätze, Spuren des Todes in der Altstadt von Regensburg Du brauchst: ein Grablicht und etwas zum Anzünden (kannst du dir aber auch unterwegs kaufen), Kopfhörer für dein Endgerät, Smartphone mit Internetverbindung am Anfang und am Ende. Nimm in den Kirchen Rücksicht, vor allem, wenn gerade Gottesdienst gefeiert wird. Beachte die aktuellen Corona-Hygienevorschriften!
Grusel, Halloween, Heilige, Regensburg
Ghost Hunt
by mellowtony
The ghosts are out having a spooky time! Use your Exo-Ghost Phone to catch them all. Follow the Ghost Guide Compass but be careful and follow the rules: (1) Stay on the sidewalk! (2) Don’t run into the street! (3) Don’t go into yards or onto private property! (4) Keep your mask on at all times!
game, games, ghost, ghosts, halloween
Ideefix Halloween Night
by Flor96
Welkom op deze Halloweentocht!
ideefix, halloween, spitbull, ghent
Costumes & Cupcakes
by daughtrey2013
Welcome to Cupcakes & Costumes: Virtual Edition! We're going to make you jump through some hoops this year to earn those cupcakes. Okay, not really. You get cupcakes just for being the awesome people you are. The winner of our virtual scavenger hunt gets a BOO Basket filled with all sorts of fun treats & prizes.
Halloween, Cupcakes, Costumes
MactivitiesTulsa: Scary Movie Pub Crawl
by MactivitiesTulsa
Celebrate Halloween in downtown Tulsa with the Mactivities: Scary Movie Pub Crawl. This Mactivity includes a variety of movie themed missions for participants to complete. These often include drinking challenges, or locating a specific type of costume. Most of the challenges require a video or photo upload as proof of completion. Cost: Free Rules: 1. No more than four players to a team 2. All participants must be in costume 3. The crawl begins at 4:00 PM on Saturday, October 31st 2020. 4....
Tulsa, halloween, mactivities, bar crawl, costume
Ghost Hunt: Maple Court
by mellowtony
The ghosts are out having a spooky time! Use your Exo-Ghost Phone to catch them all. Follow the Ghost Guide Compass but be careful and follow the rules: (1) Stay on the sidewalk! (2) Don’t run into the street! (3) Don’t go into yards or onto private property! (4) Keep your mask on at all times!
game, games, ghost, ghosts, halloween
Happy Halloween
by Anna-Lena_Schildkröte_de
Dieser Bound ist ein Gruppenbound, er ist zu Fuß, sowie auch mit dem Fahrrad zu machen. Ich empfehle ihnen den Bound mit nicht jüngeren Kindern als 8 Jahren zu machen. Nur noch eine Info dieser Bound ist nur in Bersenbrück machbar.Ein schreckhaftes, schaurig schönes und gruseliges Halloween 👻. Viel Spaß 😉
Halloween 2020 🎃 🧙👻 in 81929 München Daglfing
by winterkind
Halloween, Daglfing, Familie, Kinder, 2020
Jacob Halloween 2020
by drstrangelove72
Jacob this is your horrid 2020 Halloween Treasure Hunt. Find the QR codes and complete the challenges, in the correct order. Your siblings have a separate trail to follow. All three trails end at the same treasure. First one to complete the hunt will find the treasure. Winner takes all. Good Luck ( Mum & Dad)
Halloween, Greenfield
Oscar and Iris Hallaween 2020 Treasure hunt
by drstrangelove72
Oscar and Iris this is your horrid 2020 Halloween Treasure Hunt. Find the QR codes and complete the challenges, in the correct order. Your siblings have a separate trail to follow. All three trails end at the same treasure. First one to complete the hunt will find the treasure. Winner takes all. Good Luck ( Mum & Dad)
Halloween, Greenfield
Ghost Hunt: Galvez Street
by mellowtony
The ghosts are out having a spooky time! Use your Exo-Ghost Phone to catch them all. Follow the Ghost Guide Compass but be careful and follow the rules: (1) Stay on the sidewalk! (2) Don’t run into the street! (3) Don’t go into yards or onto private property! (4) Keep your mask on at all times!
game, games, ghost, ghosts, halloween
Ghost Hunt: Peterson-Dumesnil
by mellowtony
The ghosts are out having a spooky time! Use your Exo-Ghost Phone to catch them all. Follow the Ghost Guide Compass but be careful and follow the rules: (1) Stay on the sidewalk! (2) Don’t run into the street! (3) Don’t go into yards or onto private property! (4) Keep your mask on at all times!
game, games, ghost, ghosts, halloween
Ghost Hunt: Clintonia Avenue
by mellowtony
The ghosts are out having a spooky time! Use your Exo-Ghost Phone to catch them all. Follow the Ghost Guide Compass but be careful and follow the rules: (1) Stay on the sidewalk! (2) Don’t run into the street! (3) Don’t go into yards or onto private property! (4) Keep your mask on at all times!
game, games, ghost, ghosts, halloween
Ghost Hunt: Ensenada Drive
by mellowtony
The ghosts are out having a spooky time! Use your Exo-Ghost Phone to catch them all. Follow the Ghost Guide Compass but be careful and follow the rules: (1) Stay on the sidewalk! (2) Don’t run into the street! (3) Don’t go into yards or onto private property! (4) Keep your mask on at all times!
game, games, ghost, ghosts, halloween
Ghost Hunt: Chandler Bikeway
by mellowtony
The ghosts are out having a spooky time! Use your Exo-Ghost Phone to catch them all. Follow the Ghost Guide Compass but be careful and follow the rules: (1) Stay on the sidewalk! (2) Don’t run into the street! (3) Don’t go into yards or onto private property! (4) Keep your mask on at all times!
game, games, ghost, ghosts, halloween
Ghost Hunt: Chestnut Ridge Circle
by mellowtony
The ghosts are out having a spooky time! Use your Exo-Ghost Phone to catch them all. Follow the Ghost Guide Compass but be careful and follow the rules: (1) Stay on the sidewalk! (2) Don’t run into the street! (3) Don’t go into yards or onto private property! (4) Keep your mask on at all times!
game, games, ghost, ghosts, halloween
Halloween 2019: De griezeltocht
by De Vlindertuin
Halloween 2019: de grote griezeltocht
Halloween, Vlindertuin, 2019, Vriendenkring
Halloween 2019 Borriol
Benvingudes i benvinguts a l’Action Bound de Halloween 2019 per Borriol! Cal que conformeu un equip de mínim dos persones i màxim de 8. Necessitareu: 1) mòbil amb connexió de dades i GPS activat; 2) llanterna o llum amb el mòbil, 3) calcer còmode, 4) ganes de divertir-se i passar una estona de por. Si detecteu qualsevol errada de l'app durant el joc, podeu enviar un correu electrònic a Durada aprox. 90-120min. Voleu entrar en altra dimensió?
Halloween, Borriol, animetes, gimcana
Halloween 2019: De spookjestocht
by De Vlindertuin
Halloween 2019: de spookjestocht
Halloween, 2019, Vlindertuin, Vriendenkring
Compton-Leake Adult Halloween Costume Party
by dasheriff
Compton, Leake, Halloween, Costume, Party
© canocugum
by canocugum
Geleneksel 1. Kanlıca Macera Yarışı. Toplam süreniz 60 dakika.
kanlica, halloween
Witches Brew
by MichelleBakerson
This is a Halloween scavenger hunt for fun.