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Bounds tagged with "International"

Quelle: TU Dortmund
TU Dortmund - Campuserkundung 2.0 [international]
by Marie-Christine Boos
Virtual exploration tour of the "main campus of TU Dortmund University": Everything you need for the perfect start of your studies! It contains the most important information about the university, your studies and campus life with useful insider tips and the presentation of buildings, institutions and our large counseling network. The interactive challenge with various features for checking your knowledge and collecting points is fun to explore. Start your individual exploration tour at your...
# TU Dortmund - Campuserkundung 2.0 international
Campusrallye - Uni Wuppertal
by ZIM -InTouch
- English Version Below- Lerne zentrale Anlaufstellen und studentische Hotspots am Campus kennen. Über die App führen wir dich mit kleinen Rätseln und weiterführenden Infos über den Campus mit seinen Mensen, zentralen Einrichtungen und Lernorten. Die Tour startet am Haupteingang der Universität. - English - Get to know the central contact points and student hotspots on campus. The app will guide you through the campus with little puzzles and additional information about the canteens,...
International, Campus, Uni Wuppertal
Tag der offenen Tür - Jubiläumstour
by ZIM -InTouch
- English Version Below- Willkommen auf der Jubiläumstour. Über die App führen wir euch mit kleinen Rätseln und weiterführenden Infos zu ein paar Highlights des Tags der offenen Tür. Die Tour startet am ZIM-Stand. An den jeweiligen Stationen dürft ihr gerne immer wieder Rast machen und euch die Ausstellungen ansehen, Vorträge anhören oder auch selber forschen! - English - Welcome to the anniversary tour. The app will guide you through the campus with little riddles and additional...
International, Campus, Uni Wuppertal, Jubiläum
TUM Campus Tour for International Newcomers
by Pre Study Course
Our TUM Campus Tour for International Newcomers will show you around the historic main campus at Arcisstraße 21 here in Munich. From TUM's biggest lecture hall Audimax to various interesting and important locations around the campus, this tour will not only provide a special insight into the university buildings but also challenge your knowledge in small quizzes and treat you with fascinating fun facts. (Image: Eckert)
TUM, International, Newcomer, CampusMunich
Leben und Wirtschaften in Luftenberg
by Georg Geiblinger
Aufteilung der Wohngebiete, Lage der Wirtschaftssektoren (Gewerbe/Industrie), Freizeitgestaltung, Verkehrsverbindung, Die Rolle der Donau,
<a rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag" style="border-width:0" src="" /></a><br />Dieses Werk ist lizenziert unter einer <a rel="license" href="">Creative Commons Namensnennung - Nicht-kommerziell - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 4.0 International Lizenz</a>.
by ChrisRoit
FUN IN THE CITY This Bound is officially made for the "International Office TU WIEN" for the Vienna Discovery Programme.
Erasmus, TU Wien, International Office
by ChrisRoit
FUN IN THE CITY This Bound is officially made for the "International Office TU WIEN" for the Vienna Discovery Programme.
Erasmus, TU Wien, International Office
by ChrisRoit
FUN IN THE CITY This Bound is officially made for the "International Office TU WIEN" for the Vienna Discovery Programme.
Erasmus, TU Wien, International Office
by ChrisRoit
FUN IN THE CITY This Bound is officially made for the "International Office TU WIEN" for the Vienna Discovery Programme.
Erasmus, TU Wien, International Office
by ChrisRoit
FUN IN THE CITY This Bound is officially made for the "International Office TU WIEN" for the Vienna Discovery Programme.
Erasmus, TU Wien, International Office
by ChrisRoit
FUN IN THE CITY This Bound is officially made for the "International Office TU WIEN" for the Vienna Discovery Programme.
Erasmus, TU Wien, International Office
Dialoge Summerschool Lindau Stadtführung
by Dialoge
Sprach-, Kultur- und Inselrallye durch die historische Altstadt und den Hafen der Inselstadt Lindau. Erstellt vom Dialoge Sprachinstitut Lindau Viel Spaß!
Lernen, International, Sprache, Schnitzeljagd, Rallye
Digibox in Trabzon
by Euli
This bound has been specially designed for participants of the Erasmus+ Training Course "Digibox" to discover the city of Trabzon (Turkey).
Erasmus+, Shokkinint, youthwork, international
Lindau Inselrallye Dialoge
by Dialoge
Sprach-, Kultur- und Inselrallye durch die historische Altstadt und den Hafen der Inselstadt Lindau. Erstellt vom Dialoge Sprachinstitut Lindau Viel Spaß!
Lernen, International, Sprache, Schnitzeljagd, Rallye
by SchreberMIRI
This bound is a challenge focused on a photo scavenger hunt, but you learn also something about the city and have to interact with the people - so forget about BERLIN doesn´t love you - it has to get use to you! - Suiteable for international groups-
Berlin, international, tasks, photo, savenger
G4L: Discovering Tbilisi
by Euli
This bound has been specially designed for participants of the Erasmus+ Training Course "Games 4 Learning" to discover the city of Tbilisi. The project, implemented in Rustavi by Shokkin Group Norge and Youth Association Droni, had the aim of providing youth workers/leaders with tools, frameworks and space to creae and practice educational games that address current social topics.
Erasmus+, Shokkinint, Droniorg, youthwork, international
This game has been created for the "D-e-zign it" Training Course by the International Young Naturefriends (IYNF) to practically learn about the e/volunteering .
e-activism, IYNF, Naturefriends, International
Money, money, money... Where does it come from? Group A
This app has been created for the Training Course "Act, React and E-Act" by the International Young Naturefriends (IYNF) to learn about the funders of the activity: Erasmus+ and the European Youth Foundation.
E-Activism, IYNF, Naturefriends, International, ErasmusPlus
Money, money, money... Where does it come from? Group B
This app has been created for the Training Course "Act, React and E-Act" by the International Young Naturefriends (IYNF) to learn about the funders of the activity: Erasmus+ and the European Youth Foundation.
E-Activism, IYNF, Naturefriends, International, ErasmusPlus