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Bounds tagged with "Library"

Library Tour
by ZHB Flensburg
Get to know the most important stations in the Flensburg Central University Library (ZHB) on your own!
Flensburg, Library, ZHB, Campus Library, Library tour
Bibliothek Unitobler
by Bibliothek Unitobler
Einführung in die Benutzung der Basisbibliothek Unitobler (BTO), Universitätsbibliothek Bern, und verschiedene Bibliotheksdienstleistungen; in Quizform/als Schnitzeljagd angelegt.
Bibliothek, Library, Unitobler, Bern, Universitätsbibliothek Bern
Exploring libraries with Actionbound
by ActionboundOfficial
Experience a few practical applications for the use of Actionbound in the library from the perspective of the players.
Library, Example, Research, Get to know
by pmikulionis
Learn about Marijampolė city!
Bound Schulungen BTO
by Bibliothek Unitobler
Einführung in die Benutzung der Basisbibliothek Unitobler (BTO), Universitätsbibliothek Bern, und verschiedene Bibliotheksdienstleistungen; in Quizform/als Schnitzeljagd angelegt.
Bibliothek, Library, Unitobler, Bern, Universitätsbibliothek Bern
Volker Lannert / Universität Bonn
Tour through the Main Library
by Schulung ULB Bonn
Welcome to this Bound, which will introduce you to the Main Library at the USL Bonn. It features some exciting puzzles, not-too-taxing tasks and, of course, the most important information about borrowing, our workspaces and the services we offer. Note that you will need a valid library card to play the Bound and a €1 or €2 coin for the lockers.
library, Bonn University, USL Bonn, Bonn University and State Library, scavenger hunt
Central Library Scavenger Hunt
library, nagoya university, nagoya
GSU Atlanta Campus library tour
by czamon1
An interactive tour of the GSU Atlanta Campus Library.
gsu, georgia state university, library
Tyrone Library Home Sick Scavenger Hunt
by TSPL65
Here is a scavenger hunt style bound with tasks to do while you are stuck at home feeling sick.
Education, library, scavenger hunt, Wellness, Tyrone Library
Library Quiz Tour
by UB Rechtswissenschaften
WELCOME to the University Library of Zurich and more specifically the UB Law. With this rally you will get to know our services and the location in a playful way. You work individually or in a group, as you wish. Load the actionbound and follow the quiz. Remember to always scroll to the bottom. Please upload the bound afterwards for our statistics. Let's go!
Introduction, English, Rämistrasse 74, UB Law Library, Zurich
Bound Schulungen Fachbereich Geschichte
by Bibliothek Unitobler
Einführung in die Benutzung der Basisbibliothek Unitobler (BTO), Universitätsbibliothek Bern, und verschiedene Bibliotheksdienstleistungen; in Quizform/als Schnitzeljagd angelegt.
Bibliothek, Library, Unitobler, Bern, Universitätsbibliothek Bern
Englisch Bound SuUB
by Infoteam
#library, #stateanduniversitylibrarybremen, #staatsunduniversitaetsbibliothekbremen, #suub
Книга в городе – «Большая Птица и Маленькая Птичка» Гламми Райдэй
by Tavlay Library
Прогуливаясь по улице Ленина в Барановичах, вы встретите «Большую и Маленькую Птичку». Книга немецкой писательницы Гламми Райдэй – первая, которую библиотека представляет в проекте «Книга в городе». Следуйте от страницы к странице и узнайте историю «Большой Птицы и Маленькой Птички». Прочитали? Теперь поиграем!
library, book, kids
Bremerhaven branch library
by Infoteam
Welcome to the State and University Library Bremen (aka SuUB)! On this tour you will get to know our branch library in Bremerhaven (TB BHV) on your own. The rally is about getting as many questions as possible right, scoring the most points and, of course, learning about the library. Have fun :)
#suub, #bibliothek, tbbhv, branch library Bremerhaven, University of Applied Sciences Bremerhaven
© Goethe-Institut Singapur
Goethe Library SG
by goethelibrarysg
Take this virtual introductory tour with us now and get to know our library!
goetheinstitut, goethelibrarysg, singapore, goetheinstitutsingapur, library
A library “where the sidewalk ends”
by Rossmcclure4
Library, Where the sidewalk ends
© Biblioteca a
Library Scavenger Hunt - Biblioteca Agorà
by Scudiero
Informazione sulla Biblioteca Civica Agora.
library, biblioteca, Lucca, Agora
GSU Dunwoody Campus Library
by tbarnes24
An interactive tour of the GSU Dunwoody Campus Library.
GSU Library
Alameda Public Library
by emancdf
Alameda free library history
history, library, alameda
Library NonFiction
by stephaniedannehl
Library fun
by jason
This is an Actionbound test for the library.