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Bounds tagged with "wilmersdorf"

kreuz und quer im Schulkiez I
by Schicke
Ein kurzer Bound in der Nähe der Freudberg Gemeinschaftsschule, Bundesallee 35, die Start- und Zielpunkt der Rallye ist. Es werden keine zusätzlichen Materialien benötigt.
Wilmersdorf, Berliner Straße, Berlin
Religions in Berlin South-West
With over 250 different religious communities, the German capital is one of the European cities where there is a rich religious landscape. At every step you will find places of prayer, places of contemplation, places of religious life. Often these places are not visible, but hidden in backyards or factory floors. The question of the religious majority or religious minority is no longer existent in Berlin. Even 60 years ago 95% of the population were Christians. Because of the individualization...
Berlin, religion, judaism, islam, chistianaty