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Actionbound Helpdesk

What do you want to know?

Download the Actionbound app

To play Bounds for free on your mobile device, you need the Actionbound app. You can download it from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store

How to

  • The Actionbound app is available for iOS and Android. You can download the latest version in the respective app stores.
  • After downloading, the Actionbound app requires various permissions from your mobile device

Download the Actionbound App

For your iPhone, iPad and Apple Silicon Macs, you can find the Actionbound App in the App store for iOS devices.

For your Android mobile device or Android tablet, download the app from the
Google Play store.

You can also download the APK file directly: Download.apk.


The current app version is supported from iOS 14 and Android 10.

App permissions

In order for you to be able to use the Actionbound App to its full extent, the app requires the following authorizations from your mobile device:

  • Camera: Scan start code, scan QR codes during bound, take picture, record videos

  • Microphone: Record videos with sound, record audios

  • Memory: Save pictures, videos and audios, access gallery

  • Location: Find spot element

Permissions are only used for the functionality of these elements. The app does not access them beyond this.
You can revoke the permissions in the settings of your mobile device at any time. Please note that the full functionality of the app will then no longer be available.

Lisa Podiwin

Lisa Podiwin
Support & Customer Success

Updated on Mar 13, 2024

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