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Actionbound Helpdesk

What do you want to know?

Number of Bound players:inside, visibility of the Bound and the results - with the Bound character you can make basic settings for your Bound.

How to

  • Open the settings of your Bound.

  • On the right side of the screen you will find the Bound character.

Play mode

The Play Mode is where you determine how many players your Bound is intended for. Is the game experience designed for a single person or do you want multiple people to play on one device?

Singleplayer Bound

If your Bound is planned so that each player plays with their own mobile device or the Bound is intended for only one person, select Single Bound. In this case, you will only be asked for a nickname at the start of the Bound.

Multiplayer Bound

If you want several people to play Bound on one mobile device, set Group Bound. In this case, you will be asked for a team name at Bound Start. There are also fields for the nicknames of all Bound players.


With the visibility you can define if and how your bound is accessible. You can make the bound publicly available for everyone or only for selected players.

Public Bound

A public bound can be found on the Actionbound website. If a start coordinate is stored, the bound also appears on the public bound map.

Secret Bound

A secret bound is not listed publicly. It does not appear on the public Bound page or in the search results in the app.
A secret bound can only be started via the start QR code Start QR code or the code of the bound.
The code is the rearmost part of the URL: at it is so36.
The code is entered in the app under Find Bound -> Secret Bounds.

Public results

When players complete and finish a bound, the results are transferred to Actionbound. As a Bound creator, you always have access to the results of your players. You can find more details about this at Results.

Players have the option to publish their results on the Actionbound website at the end of the round. In this case the result will be linked on the public bound page in the leaderboard. By default, this is deactivated at the end of the round.

Publish results

If the Bound is set to display results, the results explicitly published by the players will appear on the public Bound page in the leaderboard.

Hide results

With this option, the players' results will not be listed on the public bound page - regardless of what the players have selected at the end of the bound. This allows you to have full control over whether the results of your bounds are actually publicly viewable.

Daniel Schöttl

Daniel Schöttl
UX, QA & Support

Updated on Nov 27, 2023

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