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Actionbound Helpdesk

What do you want to know?

Choose from the elements section, information, quiz, task, find location, scan code, survey and tournament and combine all elements as you like.

How to

  • Elements are added to the content of the Bound.
  • Click on the plus symbol.
  • A menu opens on the right edge of the window. Here you can select the desired element and add it to your Bound.
  • You can get more information about the individual elements by hovering over them or by reading the respective articles in the Manual. See Bound-Content

Add an element

Click on the desired element to create it.

Now add text, media (images, video, audio), links or mathematical formulas in the dialogue window.

Click on Add to save the content and the element. If you have overlooked mandatory fields, you will receive a message. Your entries are now displayed in a preview of the Bound content.

Edit an element

Once you have added an element, you can edit it at any time. The icons explained below apply to all elements and the input fields they contain.


You can undo individual changes, such as deleting or moving elements. You can also restore steps that you have undone. To do this, click on Undo or Redo in the bar at the top of the Bound content.
Now you are ready to go! Have fun creating.

Moritz Behrmann-Fink

Moritz Behrmann-Fink
Actionbound Academy

Updated on May 21, 2024

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