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Creating folder (Licence feature)

Order is half the battle. If you have already created many Bounds, you can easily lose the overview. To keep your dashboard organized, you have the option of creating folders to give you a structured filing system. This way, you can organize your Bounds by topic, for example, and find your way around more easily.

How to

Create folder

To create a new folder, click the folder icon in the top right corner of the Dashboard. Enter a name for the folder and select a color. Clicking create folder will create the folder and it will appear on the dashboard.

Add Bound to Folder

Bounds can be easily moved to the folder via drag & drop. In addition, a Bound can be created directly in a folder. Bounds can be moved in and out of a folder. To do this, drag and drop it onto the navigation bar. For each folder you can see how many subfolders and Bounds are in it.

Edit and delete folder

You can change the name or color of the folder at any time. Click on the wrench at the bottom right of the folder to edit the folder. You can save your changes by clicking Save.
If you don't need the folder anymore, you can remove it. Edit it and select the Delete tab. Deleting it will delete the folder and all subfolders it contains. Bounds contained in it will be moved to your Dashboard. To confirm the deletion, enter the name of the folder.

If you also want to delete all Bounds in the folder and subfolders, you have to select the setting Delete all Bounds of this folder and all subfolders as well before deleting the folder.

Daniel Schöttl

Daniel Schöttl
UX, QA & Support

Updated on Feb 13, 2024

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