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Actionbound Helpdesk

What do you want to know?

Compare, evaluate, exhibit - you can use the results of your Bound individually.

  • The results of your Bound provide you with a summary of the Bound, access to the individual results of your players or the possibility to compare the results.
  • The results of your Bound will only be available once the players have completed the Bound and uploaded the results to the Actionbound servers. No results are transmitted or displayed live during the game.

How to

  • On the results page you will find an overview table of all normal runs and test runs of the Bound.

  • Completed runs** and the Number of Bound Players show you how often your Bound was played and by how many people.

  • You can also see when the Bound was last played, as well as the average playing time and average points of your players.

Accordeon menu

The accordion menu on the right-hand side provides you with information on individual points of your Bound in the form of diagrams and tables:


Here you can see how many players have rated your Bound. The average rating is shown in the individual categories.

Finished Bounds

Here you can find an overview of how often your Bound has ended in the last 12 months and last 12 days.


If you have chosen multiple choice for a quiz item, you can find a summary of the results here.


The answers to the surveys from your Bound are summarised here. You can download the data as a CSV file.

Images, videos, audios

Media that your players:inside take in your Bound are listed here.

Cancelled Bounds* Premium Feature

If your players abort the Bound, these runs appear in the table of aborted runs. You can see when the Bound was started (date and time). Here is a link to the element where the Bound was cancelled. You can see how long the Bound was played (playing time) and the number of Bound players.

View and compare results

Overview of results

In the table Completed Runs you will find all the results of your players for this Bound.


Indicates how many people have played this Bound together on one machine.

Started on

Shows you when the Bound was started by the players. The time is used when the players click on Los geht's when entering their names in the Actionbound app.


Calculates the time it took the players to complete the Bound. It is calculated from the time when the players click on Let's go until the time when they click on End Bound.


Give you an overview of how many points the players have received in total.

Open results

You want to know how your players answered a quiz in the Bound? Or you want to look at the uploaded pictures of a group and use them, for example, for a reflection phase in class? Take a look at the results to see the information and results of your Bound.

To call up an individual result, simply click on the name in the overview table.
The new page will list all the elements of the Bound, including all the answers. Correct answers are marked green, wrong answers red. Pictures, videos and audios that were taken and uploaded are also shown.

If you are only interested in the answers, you can select Results only in the Results view. Information and section items are hidden and only the answers of the Quiz, Mission, Find Location, Scan Code, Survey and Tournament items are displayed.

Compare results

To compare several results, select the desired results via the checkbox in the row. Select at least one result to activate the action bar at the top right of the table. Select Compare to open the comparison view of the selected results.

On the new page, all elements of the Bound are listed with the corresponding answers from the individual results. Correct answers are marked in green, incorrect answers in red. Pictures, videos and audios that were taken and uploaded are also shown.

If you are only interested in the answers, you can select Results only in the results view. Information and section items are hidden and only the answers of the Quiz, Task, Find Location, Scan Code, Survey and Tournament items are displayed.

You can maximise the comparison view to get a better overview. To do so, click on the small square in the action bar at the top right.

Narrow results

You only want to see a certain data set of your results? No problem: With Number and Filter you can determine which results are displayed.

Under Number you can define how many results appear in the table. You can choose between 5, 10, 25, 50 or all results.
Under Filter you can set the time for the results. You can display the results from today, this week, month, year or all results.

Sort results

In the table you can sort each of the categories in ascending and descending order or from A-Z **. To do this, simply click on the corresponding category in the title bar of the table.

The results that are in the current view of the table are always sorted. For example, if you want to sort all results by points, first select Number - all and then click twice on Points.

Manage results

You can manage the results in the results table. In each result row, you can call up a menu on the right via the three dots in order to administer the individual result. You can also use the button at the top right of the table to perform actions for several selected results.

Results page

Here you will be redirected to the results page. On this page you will find a summary of the round, the ranking and possible media.

This results page is the same page that players can have sent to them at the end of the Bound.

Hide on Bound's web page

The [ Bound Page] shows the high score for the Bound. The top 5 results are displayed here. By default, the results are listed as Anonymous. If players explicitly select at the end of the Bound that their result should be published, it will appear in this list with all the details.

To remove a result from the high score list, select Hide on the Bound page.

Show on Bound's web page

If a result is to be listed on the Bound page again, you can use the button to display it on the Bound page again.

Remove from the list

If you no longer want a result to appear in your statistics, you can remove it from this list. This result will then no longer be used for the calculation of the statistics.

Download results

As a licensed user:in you have the possibility to download the results of your Bounds as well as all answer media. You can either download all results, a selection or only individual results.

On the results pages of your Bounds, you will find a drop-down menu in the top right-hand corner with all Download options. Select the desired download format there. Depending on how large your results selection is, this may take a moment.

You can download the results in the following formats:

  • Media: Only the images, videos and audios of the result/result selection are downloaded.
  • Excel: A table in xlsx format will be created and downloaded. All media will only be included via external link.
  • Excel with preview images: A table is created and downloaded in xlsx format. Images are included in the table. Videos and audios are included as external links
  • PDFs: a PDF is created and downloaded for each result from the selection.

Basically, the export always contains the results of the respective level. You can always tell which level you are in by the path in the bar. As soon as the drop-down menu is available, you can download the contents displayed on this level.

Tip: If you only want to download selected results, first select them in the results list and then click Compare. Then you can export the comparison level.

Daniel Schöttl

Daniel Schöttl
UX, QA & Support

Updated on Sep 14, 2023

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