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What do you want to know?

Get to know the flow of the game, find errors in the Bound or try out functions: With the Test-QR-Code, you can check your Bound directly in the app.

  • To find out how your Bound works in the app or whether it can be played without errors, we recommend that you test your Bound completely before release.
  • It is also possible to test stages and individual elements of the Bound in the app.
  • In both cases, you will receive an individual Test-QR-Code with which you can test your Bound in the app.
  • You can recognise your test game in the app by the orange banner Test mode.

How to

  • Generate a Test-QR-Code using one of the three options described below.

  • Scan the Test-QR-Code with the Actionbound app.

Test the entire Bound

Option 1

Open your Bound in the Bound Creator. In the "Content" area, there is a Play symbol at the top of the screen.
Click on the symbol to call up the Test-QR-Code.
Now scan the Test-QR-Code in the Actionbound app and test your Bound.

Option 2

On the Bound dashboard you will also find a way to test the entire Bound. Call up the Bound dashboard via the Actionbound.logo on the left-hand side.
Now click on the orange button "Test". A Test-QR-Code will open in a new window.
Scan it in the Actionbound app and test your Bound.

Testing a stage or element in the Bound

You have already tested your entire Bound and, for example, only changed the text or the media in one stage or single element?
It is possible to test only one element in the Actionbound app:

Option 3

On the toolbar of the respective stage or element you will find a Play symbol on the right. Click on this and a test QR code will open.
Scan this Test-QR-Code in the Actionbound app and test the respective stage or element in the Bound.


A Test-QR-Code* updates whenever you make changes in your Bound. This includes, for example, adding media, changing text or deleting elements. Therefore, do not confuse the test QR code with the start QR code of the published Bound. You can find more information on publishing a Bound here.

Céline Dreismickenbecker

Céline Dreismickenbecker
Actionbound Academy and Social Media

Updated on Apr 24, 2024

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