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Actionbound Helpdesk

What do you want to know?

User name, email address, password or newsletter settings - you can change the details of your Actionbound account at any time in your profile.

How to

  • You can easily access the profile through your user dashboard

  • To do this, click on the player icon in the menu or your account name in the dropdown menu

  • You´ll find all important parts of your account in you user dashboard

User name

You can change your user name that you chose when creating your account at any time. Just enter a new name in your profile.
Your user name will be displayed on public Bound pages on the Actionbound website and in the Actionbound app.


The user name must not be used yet. If it is already in use, think of another name.

Email adress

If your email address has changed or you have transferred the account to another person, you can easily change the existing email address of the Actionbound account.


The email address must not have been assigned to another account yet. In this case, choose another email address or contact our Support.

Current password

If you want to make changes to user name, email address, password or newsletter settings, you must confirm this with your password for verification.

New password

If you want to change your password, just enter a new password. You have to repeat the new password to confirm it.


Actionbound does not use password rules and instead recommends the use of a password manager.

Actionbound Newsletter

Here you can change your subscription to the Actionbound Newsletter. If you haven't subscribed yet, but want to receive information about new developments or events, please sign up.
By saving, your changes will be applied to your profile.

Lisa Podiwin

Lisa Podiwin
Support & Customer Success

Updated on Feb 4, 2024

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