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NEW! Improved results page!

We are happy to show you some innovations. Results can now be exported as a table or PDF.


This works for all results as well as for selected or individual runs. The feature is automatically included in all PRO and EDU licenses.

Now you can save, print and present leaderboards offline. Either as a table with or without media, or as a PDF. You can download both individual results and an overview with just a few clicks.

The comparison of results is now clearer too. You can simply hide information and questions or missions without an answer. You can have the overview displayed in the browser as a full-screen view, which simplifies, for example, the presentation via a projector.

Learn all about this new feature and how to use it in our manual.


Get the improved results page

This feature is available for all EDU and PRO licenses. Check out our pricing or send us an email via


by LottaK | | update results stats export digital