A new version (2.8.0) of the Actionbound app was just released.
The update contains:
- Due to popular demand, we bring a new feature: Record audio!
- Global ranking shown when finishing a Bound
- Uploaded media can be removed
- Improvement of the count down timer
- Bug fixes
- Bounds that can be started with a ticket only
We wish you lots of fun with Actionbound and are looking forward to your feedback and rating in the app stores of Apple or Google :)

The Bound-Creator has been redesigned and has got tons of great enhancements:
- Live preview of the app screens right in the Bound-Creator
- Extensive improvements in user experience
- Responsive design: Create Bounds in your mobile device's browser
- Improved evaluation of the player’s results
… and more: Check it out at https://actionbound.com
The Bound-Creator is now ready for the future: There will be splendid new features coming up in the next months.
Thanks to all beta testers!
This info graphic shows how you use the stages element in Actionbound.
- Choose wether you want the player to go linearly through the Bound or let him select the stages from a list or start them via QR code.
- Use stages to better arrange your sequence
- Give the player aid to orientation with geo tagged stages shown in the panel of the Actionbund app
Actionbound allows you to define places to be discovered by the players of your scavenger hunt. Here's how it works.

This info graphic shows how QR- and barcodes can be used in Actionbound for interactive scavenger hunts, paper chases and stuff like that. Have fun!

Supported "own code" types:
- EAN_8
- EAN_13
- CODE_128
- CODE_39