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Your adventure starts here!

Your first bound

A Bound can be almost anything, such as a digitally guided scavenger hunt, an interactive quiz or a creative guide. Create Bounds for friends and family, for teachers and students and for your company. You choose the theme, the locations and the challenges step by step.

There is no one right way to create a Bound, but this list will help you get started.

1. Choice of theme: What story or theme do you want to tell? Whether it's a historical exploration, a birthday surprise or just fun, the choice is yours!

2. Set stations: Select places to visit or virtually explore in your Bound. These can be physical locations in your environment or digital locations.

3. Create elements: Think of creative puzzles, quizzes or challenges that participants can solve at the stations. The more varied, the more exciting the Bound will be. What do the players enjoy and what can they achieve?

4. Include media: In addition to informative texts, include media such as pictures, videos or audio files to make the story lively and engaging.

5. Test and publish: Is everything working as you imagined it? Publish the Bound so that others can play it. Of course, you decide who can play your Bound. You will need the free App.

Bound Creator and functions

With our intuitive Bound Creator, you can become a game developer in no time at all - no programming knowledge aquired

You want to know more?

Then take a look at our manual. Here you can learn everything about the functions of the Bound Creator and find practical examples of use.

To the Actionbound manual