by Laila SpoKi
Power of Sports #sbs

Hallo ihr Lieben :-) Wer Bock auf Sport hat muss unbedingt diesen Bound mitmachen! Ihr braucht Sportklamotten und Etwas zu Trinken. Los gehts !
Alterklasse: ab 5 Jahren / Schwierigkeitsgrad: leicht -
Viel Spaß und liebe Grüße -
Sportkinder Berlin e.V.
Start guide

Create Bound Challenge
Group Bound players or teams in a Bound Challenge via a special start code. The creator of the Bound Challenge can see all the results on a leaderboard.
Bound Challenge created
Bound Challenge:
Group Bound players or teams in a Bound Challenge via a special start code. The creator of the Bound Challenge can see all the results on a leaderboard.
approx. 45 minutes
approx. 2 km
Multiplayer Bound
3 information
6 quizzes
8 missions
2 locations
Scan this Code with the Actionbound App to start the Bound.
approx. 45 minutes
approx. 2 km
Multiplayer Bound
3 information
6 quizzes
8 missions
2 locations